
♦ Heavy metals ♦ Drugs and Alcohol ♦ Yeast conditions/candida ♦ Toxins – Environmental and Workplace


♦ Advice on using Food as your Medicine ♦ Superfoods to treat your ailments ♦ Meal plans

Women’s Health

♦ Health and Wellness ♦ Female Specific Ailments ♦ Hormonal Balance ♦ Menopause

Men’s Health

♦ Health and Fitness ♦ Reproductive Health ♦ Male-specific Ailments


♦ Treating the cause ♦ Establishing regular sleeping patterns

Stress & Anxiety

♦ Treating the cause using Patient specific Nutrition, Herbs and Supplements ♦ Pathology Testing ♦ Breathing Exercises, Meditation, Visualisation

Fertility and Preconception

♦ Preparing your body for pregnancy – Nutrition, Herbs/Supplements, Testing

Pregnancy and Newborn Care

♦ Pregnancy Nutrition and Supplementation, Treating ailments, Preparing for birth – Mentally and Physically. ♦ Newborn care – treating ailments, bonding. ♦ Mother – Nutrition, Supplementation, Breastfeeding support, Mental Health – Post Natal Depression

Children’s Health

♦ Health and Wellness for Toddlers to Teens ♦ Treating specific ailments ♦ Nutrition and supplementation


♦ Nutritious ideas for Snacks, Drinks and Main Meals ♦ Skin and Hair Care